Arteplano Classic

Hydronic operation

    Pure and simple. This decorative radiator celebrates the perfection of material and finish, combining state-of-the-art heating technology with striking contemporary design. The smooth surfaces efficiently give out a pleasing warmth whilst subtly integrating the radiator into the room. Alternatively, it can be transformed into a feature in its own right with the wide selection of materials and finishes. The only limit is your imagination. Arteplano from the Zehnder Studio Collection. The art of making a statement.


    • Many models, efficient performance
    • Short response time means rooms can be heated up quickly
    • Available in the full range of colours in the Zehnder colour chart
    • Optionally available with exclusive special materials and surfaces
    • Available for operation on central heating system

    Technical data

    Connection to hot water central heating system

    Painted version
    Model H L Heat output
    75/65/20 °C 70/55/24 °C 70/55/20 °C 55/45/24 °C 55/45/20 °C
    mm mm Watts Watts Watts Watts Watts
    Single-layer version
    VZA160-4 1613 305 461 324 373 195 235
    VZA180-4 1813 305 517 364 419 218 264
    VZA200-4 2013 305 574 404 465 242 293
    VZA160-6 1613 453 695 489 563 294 355
    VZA180-6 1813 453 780 549 631 329 398
    VZA200-6 2013 453 865 608 700 365 442
    VZA160-7 1613 527 812 571 657 343 415
    VZA180-7 1813 527 911 641 738 385 465
    VZA200-7 2013 527 1010 710 818 427 516
    VZA160-8 1613 601 929 653 752 392 475
    VZA180-8 1813 601 1042 733 844 440 532
    VZA200-8 2013 601 1155 812 935 488 590
    VZA160-10 1613 749 1163 818 942 491 594
    VZA180-10 1813 749 1304 917 1056 551 666
    VZA200-10 2013 749 1446 1017 1171 611 739
    H = height, L = length
    75/65/20 = Nominal heat output according to EN 442 ΔT 50
    Painted version
    Model H L Heat output
    75/65/20 °C 70/55/24 °C 70/55/20 °C 55/45/24 °C 55/45/20 °C
    mm mm Watts Watts Watts Watts Watts
    Single-layer version with slats
    VZLA160-4 1613 305 616 431 497 257 311
    VZLA180-4 1813 305 693 486 560 291 352
    VZLA200-4 2013 305 743 521 601 312 378
    VZLA160-6 1613 453 928 649 748 387 469
    VZLA180-6 1813 453 1044 732 844 438 530
    VZLA200-6 2013 453 1119 785 904 469 569
    VZLA160-7 1613 523 1084 758 874 452 548
    VZLA180-7 1813 523 1219 855 985 511 619
    VZLA200-7 2013 523 1308 917 1057 549 665
    VZLA160-8 1613 601 1240 867 1000 517 627
    VZLA180-8 1813 601 1395 978 1127 585 709
    VZLA200-8 2013 601 1496 1049 1209 628 760
    VZLA160-10 1613 749 1552 1086 1252 647 786
    VZLA180-10 1813 749 1746 1225 1411 733 887
    VZLA200-10 2013 749 1872 1313 1513 785 951
    H = height, L = length
    75/65/20 = Nominal heat output according to EN 442 ΔT 50
    Painted version
    Model H L Heat output
    75/65/20 °C 70/55/24 °C 70/55/20 °C 55/45/24 °C 55/45/20 °C
    mm mm Watts Watts Watts Watts Watts
    Double-layer version
    VZAD160-4 1613 305 680 476 548 283 344
    VZAD180-4 1813 305 757 531 612 318 385
    VZAD200-4 2013 305 833 584 673 349 423
    VZAD160-6 1613 453 1025 717 827 427 518
    VZAD180-6 1813 453 1141 800 922 479 580
    VZAD200-6 2013 453 1255 880 1014 527 638
    VZAD160-7 1613 527 1197 837 965 499 605
    VZAD180-7 1813 527 1333 935 1077 559 677
    VZAD200-7 2013 527 1466 1028 1185 615 745
    VZAD160-8 1613 601 1370 958 1105 571 693
    VZAD180-8 1813 601 1524 1069 1232 639 774
    VZAD200-8 2013 601 1677 1176 1355 704 852
    VZAD160-10 1613 749 1714 1199 1383 714 866
    VZAD180-10 1813 749 1908 1338 1542 800 970
    VZAD200-10 2013 749 2099 1472 1696 881 1067
    H = height, L = length
    75/65/20 = Nominal heat output according to EN 442 ΔT 50


    Any questions? Please send us a message.

    General Request

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    Any questions? Feel free to give us a call.

    General Request

    +49 (0) 7821 5863 92